
The Language – Culture – Cognition Lab is an international transdisciplinary research hub based at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. It brings together researchers and research teams engaged in analyses of the interrelation of language and culture, as well as cognitive underpinnings of social and cultural phenomena, both past and present. In contrast to other cognitively framed research groups across Europe who are integrated in neurosciences or behavioral studies and focus on the study of the human brain, LCCL locates its major research focus at the intersection of language, cognition, and culture and aims at understanding the workings of the human mind in its various manifestations and its interaction with the environment. Our interests pertain to cognitive anthropological issues, semantic typology, the balance between semantic universals and cultural diversity, semantic diffusion, and cultural and linguistic contact. Therefore, our research takes us to areas of intense multicultural, multilingual and multiconfessional interaction. LCCL serves as the platform for scholarly exchange and seeks to develop sustainable methods introducing cognitive perspectives in empirical field studies in linguistics, social and cultural anthropology, ethnography, and other disciplines applying grass-root approaches, as well as historical comparative methods, and incorporating advances in all of them. Interested in establishing and strengthening networks to scholars engaged in research along a similar line, in learning from others’ experience or meeting potential co-operation partners? Contact us.