Research Practice Seminars at the University of Vienna

The cross-disciplinary seminar integrated as “conversatorium” of individual profile building into the MA curriculum is realized as joint-teaching. It aims to attract future junior researchers providing MA students with an opportunity to take an insider look at and collect first hands-on research experience in an interdisciplinary setting in research activities within the research network of LCCL and, in particular, at the Balkan Studies Research Unit of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The focus lies on the holistic comprehension of regional studies and qualifications normally not covered by a standard curriculum. Beside basic knowledge in contact linguistics, regional history or anthropological methods students are supposed to acquire important working techniques while coping with multilayered “raw” material. Depending on personal research interests, students are encouraged to take part in current research activities within the LCCL network or Balkan Research Unit.

Past program:

WS 2022

Anthropological Linguistics: Concept building along the axis own-foreign in the context of a “river culture”. (K. Ackermann, J. Matzinger)

Linguistic landscape of the Balkans from Prehistory to Antiquity. An Excursus. (J. Matzinger)

Indo-Europeanization of the Balkans: “Triangular” investigation methods: Linguistics + Archeology + Archeogenetics. (K. Ackermann)

Cognitive-linguistics Module: Cognitive-semantic schemes in naming. Investigating close social circle in Balkan linguistic communities and beyond. (K. Ackermann)

CSl Manuscripts in XVI-XVII Rumania and Moldavia: Stories behind Illuminations (O. Olar)

Visual Anthropology: The Balkans in Vienna. (D. Leitner-Stojanov)

Slavic-Albanian symbioses and assimilation processes. (Ch. Giesel)


WS 2021

Scenarios for language contact. (K. Ackermann)

Anthropological Module: Migration, Mobility and the Dynamics of Kinship. (R. Pichler)

Toponomastics of the Balkans. (J. Matzinger)

History module: Schriftsprache und Schriftsprache (K. Petrovszky)

Anthropological Linguistics: Reflection of kinship structures in Language (R. Pichler, K. Ackermann)

History Module: Multilingualism in Manuscripts (O. Olar)

Module: Areal and Population history of the Balkans (G. Boykov)